Saturday, January 2, 2010

Today,s the day!!!!

I remember when this picture was taken. October of 2001! I was s size 12 and weighed about 160-170 pounds. I remember thinking I was fat. I would do anything to be a size 12 again.
Today is the day! I am going to start working out at the gym today! I started my morning off with a big cup of dark chocolate hot chocolate. Still bad I know. I am going to boil the dozen eggs I bought last night and make egg salad and tuna salad. I also have whole grain pasta to make pasta salad. I am learning how to read labels on food and make better choices when I shop. Last night for a snack I had pepper jack cheese sticks and some multi grain crackers. I need to make fresh brewed iced tea, that will cut out my bad choices in beverages. I notice it is more expensive to buy multi grain, whole grain products like pasta and bread, but I know it is worth it. I will deffinetly reap the benefits once I get settled into my new life style and that is exactly what it is. A whole new life style!

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