So, Tim and I went to the grocery store and picked up a few things. Nothing major. I was very proud of us though, no junk. I did get a soda in the check out lane as I was thirsty. I do have a weakness for soda. I have never been able to do diet which is just as well. I hear the chemicals and artificial sweeteners are actually a lot worse for you. I have a really hard time finding unsweetened tea bottled, especially the kind that is not an instant powder mix. Yuck I hate that stuff. Nasty. The better choice of course would have been just plain bottled water. I really should make myself drink water. I did actually buy some plain bottled water that I will be taking to the gym with me. I can't stand our tap water. You would think here in the rocky mountains that our water is good. Not here in the city. Taste like bleach. Yuck! So, a Dr. Pepper it was. Again I did not pick up any junk food, so I still feel like I am on the right track. Tim and I did go through Wendy's drive thru on the way home. However, I got a small chili with cheese and onions added to it, and a sour cream and chives baked potato. The potato was a really bad choice I know, but at least it was not french fries.
Tomorrow I start the gym. I am telling myself that even if I only spend 15 minutes on the treadmill to start, at least I am starting and that is a big step for me in it self. I have posted some pictures so you can have an idea of where I am starting at. I am pretty big. I never thought in a million years I would ever be over weight much less obese. I was sure that would be impossible for me. I used to be so skinny people swore I was anorexic. Not true, I just had a lot on my plate growing up and it was always very stressful for me. I will post a picture of me on here from high school. I was 18 at the time and weighed about 95 pounds. One extreme to the other. I guess I am an all or nothing type of person...
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