Monday, January 4, 2010

Doing the best I can with what I don't have...

Today has been an awesome day thus far. I got up in time to make a smoothie for breakfast. these are awesome! They help maintain my blood sugar and full. I used mixed frozen berries, a banana, one cup of orange juice, one cup of grape juice, and a squeeze of lime juice. For my mornining break I had a yogurt and two pepper jack cheese sticks. For lunch I had a tuna salad sandwich on whole grain bread. I have drank one can of coke, but no morning coffee, and now I am drinking iced tea just plain no sugar. For dinner I plan on getting salad bar here from work, then straight to the gym from work. I am so excited that I am actually doing this, this is so cool. I already feel a difference in just the change in my diet. I do not feel deprived or hungry, and I notice I am not constantly yawning now that my blood sugar is not on a roller coaster ride. I think within a couple of weeks my energy level will soar and hopefully I will start sleeping better at night. Tim and I have officially decided that the dogs are going in a kennel at night. Neither one of us sleep well with them in and out of the bed all night.
I am not looking forward to my first weigh in, but I need to know what my starting point is. I plan on only doing a weigh in once a month so that I won't drive myself crazy. I must also remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so as I start to burn the fat and gain muscle I will actually weigh more. This can be so frustrating.
So, tonight once I am home and settled I will record my weigh in. I know I am at least 250, probably heavier. YIKES!!!!!

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