I never made it to the gym yesterday. I am disapointed, however I spent most of the day cleaning my house and doing laundry. I also did very well with my food intake. Tim went to Q doba and I got three soft tacos with ground beef, pico, salsa, cheese, and guacamole on them. Last night for dinner I had a tuna salad sandwich on whole grain bread. I had some multi grain crackers and pepper jack cheese. Beverages, well I still need to wrok on that. I had dark hot chocolate in the morning and some soda's through out the day. Today I started out with dark hot chocolate again, this time however I used a smaller cup and so I only used one envelope of the cocoa rather than the two I had yesterday.
I love listening to Dr. Oz He says to cut just a 100 calories a day every day and that in itself will help you to lose a pound a month for the rest of your life. Also he says to walk, get at least the seven hours of sleep, pre pack your lunches and snacks, keep healthy snacks on you at all times.
Tim had some of his friends over yesterday they had a throwing star tournament in the garage, so that had some to do with not going to the gym. He was busy cleaning up the garage prior to them coming over and I was cleaning up the inside of the house. I hear you can burn quite a few carlories by doing house work, so I am not going to beat myself up too bad for not making it to the gym. I need to go to the laundry mat today. We have a king size bed and so I am unable to wash the linens in in my washer. They are too big and too heavy. I also need to send quite a few outfits out for dry cleaning, so I should just bite the bullet and take them along. At some point today I do want to hit the gym. I want to do a weigh in so I know where I am starting at and then walk on the treadmill for at least 15 minutes. I think I will get my laundry going at the laundry mat and then head to the gym. Sounds good to me. They are only maybe a five minute drive from one another. It's about 11:30 in the morning now, so I am off to finally start my day. this has been a nice long holiday weekend, but now I need to get going and get my mind set for the new work week.
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