Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The little choo choo train that could...

I have been doing really well with my food intake. For the past two days I have had smoothie's or just a banana and a yogurt for breakfast, mid morning snack has been multi grain crackers and pepper jack cheese sticks, lunch has been tuna salad on whole wheat bread, dinner has been a grilled chicken breast sandwich on whole wheat bread with lettuce, onions, cheese, and mustard with dill pickle spears on the side. Last night when I got off from work Tim and I went to Sam's. We did not make it to the gym, however we walked the whole store and I personally feel I got more exercise that way than on the treadmill for fifteen minutes. I started getting the hot flashes and feeling faint again. I knew it was my blood sugar. There is a little food court there, but nothing healthy to choose from. I got a soft pretzel that I ate about 3/4 of, and shared a root beer with Tim. Not a good choice, but it was the best they had to choose from. Iced tea was not an option and since I was feeling faint I needed the sugar anyway. Late at night when I get hungry I just snack on multi grain crackers and I had some orange juice. My weakness lately has been with my beverages. Last night I had a cup of hot dark cocoa with some caramel syrup added. This morning I had a cup of coffee at work also added caramel syrup to it. Later on this afternoon I drank my coke that I had taken to work the day before, but left behind. I have been drinking iced tea and hot tea too, but I still need to work on the coke, coffee, and hot chocolate. Luckily I am almost out of coke and chocolate. I still have the butter lover's popcorn and yes I may have a bag of it tonight. All in all I am doing well though. No gym tonight, it is bitter cold out. We are getting some sort of winter storm in and it is predicted to get down to zero tonight. Luckily I am off the next couple of days as I traded with another receptionist. He wanted this weekend off so I will work Saturday and Sunday and then be off on Monday. It is kind of nice to mix it up a little every now and then.

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