Friday, January 29, 2010


I think I am going to try the gym again and this time just focus on swimming. I have always enjoyed swimming and being in the water. I am not a good swimmer by any means but I can do it. I figure just laps back and forth across the pool will help out greatly. Anything to get my body going.
Last night for dinner I made chicken and rice. I used brown rice and boneless skinless chicken breast. I think the worst part of the meal was the cream of mushroom soup because it was not the 98% fat free one. I only like the one that has roasted garlic in it as well and that one does not seem to come in the "Healthy Choice" option. Now the candy and doughnuts I had for desert is what I should have avoided all together. I justified my choice by saying I needed chocolate. Now of course the smart choice would have been dark chocolate but of course I opted for milk.
I think I may have an infection in my jaw or something. Better get in to see the dentist. Joy of my life ;-)
I did finally make it to the eye doctor, the specialist. He says my eyes are healthy and the diagnosis for all the complaints I have are due to extremely dry eyes. I ordered glasses and once they come in maybe the other issues will subside as well.
I need to get back to my dermatologist. I saw him back in November time frame because when I got sick mid to late September with the H1N1 I got a bad case of hives, which I still get. He gave me an order to have blood work done. I have yet to do that, but will and soon. I woke up yesterday and my normal double chin I have was like triple. I have no idea what caused me to swell up like that. I have been having a lot of issues with my teeth and figure it may be due to an infection or something in my jaw. I just need a whole brand new body. I am all jacked up LOL.
tomorrow is back to work I go, but off on Sunday. I traded with a co-worker who wanted Saturday off.
I am off for now...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

still at it...

Well, today was not bad. I worked all day and was busy, so I had no time to think about food or anything. I had breakfast this morning at work, as I did not get up in enough time to eat here at home or make a smoothie to take with me. I had two eggs over hard with one slice of wheat toast and some bacon. Really I only at the toast and one egg. I had a few sips of coffee this morning with cream, sugar, and caramel syrup, and I had about 3/4 of a pepsi. I drank mostly un sweetened iced tea and for lunch I had a pb&j on whole wheat bread. For dinner I got chili with cheese and onions from Wendy's and am drinking some hot tea with nothing in it. Last night for a snack I had some multi grain crackers with cream cheese. I am actually not feeling hungry or deprived and I am not even tempted to get any junk. Not yet anyway.
Tomorrow's a nother day...

Friday, January 8, 2010

If it's white, it aint right...(pasta, bread, and rice)

Today has been a good day both for food and beverage intake. Had my last cup of dark cocoa this morning, but I also made a really yummy smoothie. I bought frozen vanilla yogurt last night at the grocery store and added some of that along with a banana, frozen fruit, lime juice, and the rest of the orange juice I had. I snacked on some multi grain crackers with cream cheese, and also had a grilled chicken sandwich on a whole wheat but with lettuce, tomato, and mayo. I also had some un sweetened iced tea. Cleaned up the house today, mainly dishes and laundry. I think I may actually turn in early tonight. I have to work the weekend. Bitter cold outside and I'd just rather stay in tonight...

Eat green, to get lean...

So, last night I met up with my best friend Carla and we went to Perkins for tea. I did have hot tea with lemon and honey as well as a Deluxe chef salad with ranch on the side, then i had a slice of pie. However, I got a half slice rather than a whole. We went to wal mart afterwards as we both needed to pick a few things up. While in the check out lane I picked up a Pepsi, however I think I may have had all of five drinks out of it. This morning I am having a cup of dark cocoa, however this was the last one, and I believe I am out of coke now too! I may have only one thing of microwave popcorn left as well, so I think I am pretty much out of all the junk.
I bought some more bananas last night for my smoothies, and when Tim and I had gone to Sam's I got a huge bag of frozen fruit. Maybe this evening Tim and I will hit the gym. I am hoping I won't have anymore of those weird dizzy feelings. That was so scary to me and I have been avoiding the gym since due to that tho I know it is not caused by going to the gym. Next time I am at the store I plan on buying some fresh veggies and putting them in baggies to keep on me for healthy snacks. Now I am off to clean and start my day!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I think I can...

This photo was taken the night of my company Christmas party. I am hoping to be able to compare PICS a year from this one and to see a transformation! I have high expectations for myself and hope with a vision and a plan to fallow through...

Last night I ended up drinking a coke and having a bag of butter lover's popcorn.

I was off today and and spent most of my time laying around which is norm for me. I usually do spend one whole day off just lying around. I am sure this too is not a good choice. I have not eaten much today either. I snacked on some multi grain crackers, some hard pretzels, a cheese stick, water, a coke, un sweetened iced tea, and cold cereal with skim milk today. I had granola and raisin bran. I do plan on having a normal healthy meal here soon, although it is nearly 10p.m. now A friend of mine and I are planning on meeting for coffee at a local place like Denney's. I will choose something substantial and healthy. I seem to be a night owl by nature so when I am off these are the hours I keep. I watched Dr. Oz today until his show was interrupted by the President. Anyway, I learned the number one mistake dieters make is to NOT eat breakfast. I have actually been doing well with making sure I have breakfast. Today was cold cereal in skim milk, but most days it is a smoothie made in a blender or a banana and yogurt. I also bought real oatmeal and plan on having that with honey and cinnamon. Tim and I did not make it to the gym again tonight. I really need to work on that more. Exercise Dr. Oz says is essential. He talked about that today as well when talking about people that suffer from insomnia which I do. The number one reason for that is anxiety. Go figure, I have severe anxiety. Anyway I am off now and will be on again much later tonight I am sure of it...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The little choo choo train that could...

I have been doing really well with my food intake. For the past two days I have had smoothie's or just a banana and a yogurt for breakfast, mid morning snack has been multi grain crackers and pepper jack cheese sticks, lunch has been tuna salad on whole wheat bread, dinner has been a grilled chicken breast sandwich on whole wheat bread with lettuce, onions, cheese, and mustard with dill pickle spears on the side. Last night when I got off from work Tim and I went to Sam's. We did not make it to the gym, however we walked the whole store and I personally feel I got more exercise that way than on the treadmill for fifteen minutes. I started getting the hot flashes and feeling faint again. I knew it was my blood sugar. There is a little food court there, but nothing healthy to choose from. I got a soft pretzel that I ate about 3/4 of, and shared a root beer with Tim. Not a good choice, but it was the best they had to choose from. Iced tea was not an option and since I was feeling faint I needed the sugar anyway. Late at night when I get hungry I just snack on multi grain crackers and I had some orange juice. My weakness lately has been with my beverages. Last night I had a cup of hot dark cocoa with some caramel syrup added. This morning I had a cup of coffee at work also added caramel syrup to it. Later on this afternoon I drank my coke that I had taken to work the day before, but left behind. I have been drinking iced tea and hot tea too, but I still need to work on the coke, coffee, and hot chocolate. Luckily I am almost out of coke and chocolate. I still have the butter lover's popcorn and yes I may have a bag of it tonight. All in all I am doing well though. No gym tonight, it is bitter cold out. We are getting some sort of winter storm in and it is predicted to get down to zero tonight. Luckily I am off the next couple of days as I traded with another receptionist. He wanted this weekend off so I will work Saturday and Sunday and then be off on Monday. It is kind of nice to mix it up a little every now and then.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Not feeling well...

Well, this morning I am just not feeling well at all. I had hot flashes, and now cold chills. I am fatigue and weak feeling. I figure part if not all of it is the diet change. Maybe, I am going through some sort of withdrawls. Not sure. I got up in time barely to make my smoothie. The coffee here at work is not doable with just cream. Nasty bitter tasting, so I had a couple of sips and threw it out. I brought an extra yogurt with me today to eat this evening prior to the gym. I figure this will keep my blood sugar leveled. I just keep telling myself to stick it out and that more than likely I will get into the routine and start feeling a lot better within a couple of weeks.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Baby steps...

So, I made it to the gym tonight when I got off work. I weighed myself. 251 pounds!!!!! Yikes! This is not my heaviest, amazingly enough. I was at about 260 at one point in time.
I had done really well on eating today, but fell really hard at the end. This evening I had a salad at work, but by the time I got off and went to the gym I was feeling really anxious and shaky, disoriented and dizzy. I figured I was just having a bit of a panic attack. This was new and a bit scary to me, also crowded and I am not comfortable around large groups of strangers anyway. I was soooo not comfortable with my weight and the way I looked. It seemed I was the heaviest person in the whole place and that included men. I got on the treadmill and set it for fifteen minutes. I thought fifteen minutes would never end. I kept feeling dizzy and like I may pass out. I wasn't even walking 2 mph and my heart rate was not up, but I kept feeling like I was losing it. By the time the fifteen minutes plus the three minute cool down was up I was so shaky and dizzy along with blurry vision. Tim and I left and we stopped at Sonic. I figured my blood sugar must be way down. I did order a grilled chicken sandwich on wheat, that would have been OK, but I opted for the combo. I Ordered an UN sweetened iced tea and tots. Just the regular size. Anyway, they brought me a sweetened iced tea instead. I figured I needed it so I just let it go. Needless to say I am feeling so much better now. I am going to take more healthy snacks with me at work, so that hopefully I do not experience this again tomorrow. I was really scared. I did not know if I was having a panic attack or my blood sugar was just really low. Maybe it was a combination since I do have problems with anxiety and panic attacks as well.
So, now I am home and settled in for the night. I got everything ready for tomorrow. My lunch is packed, my gym bag is ready, I know what I am wearing to work. I think a hot cup of herbal tea is just what I need. I did not eat all of the tots by the way, and I only drank maybe half of the sweetened tea. Also I had an avocado. I love avocado's and I hear they are excellent for raising your good cholesterol. I also had a half of tuna salad on whole grain bread and a few multi grain crackers. Last night I forgot to log that I had a bag of microwave popcorn (butter lover's). Yikes!!!! I will make better choices next time I buy these items at the grocery store. No more soda and no more buttered popcorn. I am not going to throw out or waste what I already have, plus this is all part of weening myself off of the junk.

Doing the best I can with what I don't have...

Today has been an awesome day thus far. I got up in time to make a smoothie for breakfast. these are awesome! They help maintain my blood sugar and full. I used mixed frozen berries, a banana, one cup of orange juice, one cup of grape juice, and a squeeze of lime juice. For my mornining break I had a yogurt and two pepper jack cheese sticks. For lunch I had a tuna salad sandwich on whole grain bread. I have drank one can of coke, but no morning coffee, and now I am drinking iced tea just plain no sugar. For dinner I plan on getting salad bar here from work, then straight to the gym from work. I am so excited that I am actually doing this, this is so cool. I already feel a difference in just the change in my diet. I do not feel deprived or hungry, and I notice I am not constantly yawning now that my blood sugar is not on a roller coaster ride. I think within a couple of weeks my energy level will soar and hopefully I will start sleeping better at night. Tim and I have officially decided that the dogs are going in a kennel at night. Neither one of us sleep well with them in and out of the bed all night.
I am not looking forward to my first weigh in, but I need to know what my starting point is. I plan on only doing a weigh in once a month so that I won't drive myself crazy. I must also remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so as I start to burn the fat and gain muscle I will actually weigh more. This can be so frustrating.
So, tonight once I am home and settled I will record my weigh in. I know I am at least 250, probably heavier. YIKES!!!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Not getting off to a good start...

Well, sad to say I did not make it to the gym again today. Tim and I got busy with other things. He sold a guitar on Ebay, so we had to ship that off, then we went to the laundry mat. While the laundry was in the washer we went over to one of our local thrift stores to see if anyone had turned in my check card. That was the last placed I had used it before it came up missing. Thank goodness I realized it was missing when I did and reported it lost. The thrift store did not have it. That is OK since I cut it off and no UN recognized transactions had posted to my account. After that we went back and dried our laundry, then we went by my work. I promised my boss as well as the housekeeping manager that I would donate a queen size bed set since we no longer have a queen size bed. I washed the linens and took them over, so that I would not have to try and lug them over there tomorrow morning. After that Tim and I decided to stop at the Chinese restaurant to eat. I just got vegetable fried rice, no eggs or mushrooms. I know anything fried is not a good choice, but the rice not being brown rice was bad any way. No Chinese place offers brown rice. Plus they use a peanut oil I think so it is not as bad as it could have been. I had that with hot tea. I did drink a coke today, actually more like half a coke. I had an egg salad sandwich on whole grain bread for lunch. This morning I had a low fat yogurt. I would be happy to go with fat free but that has artificial sweeteners in it and I just try to stay away from those completely. I also had a banana and some multi grain crackers and hot tea again this evening. I did pack my gym bag and put it in the car for tomorrow evening. Tim and I WILL be going tomorrow evening after he picks me up from work. I packed my lunch for tomorrow too! I have some pepper jack cheese sticks, a tuna salad sandwich on whole grain bread, a yogurt, and I will bring a banana too. Unless I get up in time to make a smoothie. I make smoothie's in the blender with frozen berries. I make to buy the ones with nothing added to them. I usually add a cup of 100% orange juice and another cup of some other kind of juice, a banana, and a squeeze of lime juice. They are really good and very sweet. Plus blueberries (especially) maintain my blood sugar levels. I usually have one cup of coffee in the mornings when I get to work. I just cannot do black coffee, however I can tolerate it with just cream in it, so I think I will try that in the morning rather than put the six packets of sugar in that I normally do. I did pack one can of coke in my lunch. I figure baby steps to start out with. Once I am out of soda though I do not plan on purchasing more. So, this is it to the long holiday weekend. I am going to finish getting everything together for the morning and call it a night. Tomorrow is a new day!

Getting on the right track...

I never made it to the gym yesterday. I am disapointed, however I spent most of the day cleaning my house and doing laundry. I also did very well with my food intake. Tim went to Q doba and I got three soft tacos with ground beef, pico, salsa, cheese, and guacamole on them. Last night for dinner I had a tuna salad sandwich on whole grain bread. I had some multi grain crackers and pepper jack cheese. Beverages, well I still need to wrok on that. I had dark hot chocolate in the morning and some soda's through out the day. Today I started out with dark hot chocolate again, this time however I used a smaller cup and so I only used one envelope of the cocoa rather than the two I had yesterday.

I love listening to Dr. Oz He says to cut just a 100 calories a day every day and that in itself will help you to lose a pound a month for the rest of your life. Also he says to walk, get at least the seven hours of sleep, pre pack your lunches and snacks, keep healthy snacks on you at all times.

Tim had some of his friends over yesterday they had a throwing star tournament in the garage, so that had some to do with not going to the gym. He was busy cleaning up the garage prior to them coming over and I was cleaning up the inside of the house. I hear you can burn quite a few carlories by doing house work, so I am not going to beat myself up too bad for not making it to the gym. I need to go to the laundry mat today. We have a king size bed and so I am unable to wash the linens in in my washer. They are too big and too heavy. I also need to send quite a few outfits out for dry cleaning, so I should just bite the bullet and take them along. At some point today I do want to hit the gym. I want to do a weigh in so I know where I am starting at and then walk on the treadmill for at least 15 minutes. I think I will get my laundry going at the laundry mat and then head to the gym. Sounds good to me. They are only maybe a five minute drive from one another. It's about 11:30 in the morning now, so I am off to finally start my day. this has been a nice long holiday weekend, but now I need to get going and get my mind set for the new work week.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Today,s the day!!!!

I remember when this picture was taken. October of 2001! I was s size 12 and weighed about 160-170 pounds. I remember thinking I was fat. I would do anything to be a size 12 again.
Today is the day! I am going to start working out at the gym today! I started my morning off with a big cup of dark chocolate hot chocolate. Still bad I know. I am going to boil the dozen eggs I bought last night and make egg salad and tuna salad. I also have whole grain pasta to make pasta salad. I am learning how to read labels on food and make better choices when I shop. Last night for a snack I had pepper jack cheese sticks and some multi grain crackers. I need to make fresh brewed iced tea, that will cut out my bad choices in beverages. I notice it is more expensive to buy multi grain, whole grain products like pasta and bread, but I know it is worth it. I will deffinetly reap the benefits once I get settled into my new life style and that is exactly what it is. A whole new life style!

Friday, January 1, 2010

So, Tim and I went to the grocery store and picked up a few things. Nothing major. I was very proud of us though, no junk. I did get a soda in the check out lane as I was thirsty. I do have a weakness for soda. I have never been able to do diet which is just as well. I hear the chemicals and artificial sweeteners are actually a lot worse for you. I have a really hard time finding unsweetened tea bottled, especially the kind that is not an instant powder mix. Yuck I hate that stuff. Nasty. The better choice of course would have been just plain bottled water. I really should make myself drink water. I did actually buy some plain bottled water that I will be taking to the gym with me. I can't stand our tap water. You would think here in the rocky mountains that our water is good. Not here in the city. Taste like bleach. Yuck! So, a Dr. Pepper it was. Again I did not pick up any junk food, so I still feel like I am on the right track. Tim and I did go through Wendy's drive thru on the way home. However, I got a small chili with cheese and onions added to it, and a sour cream and chives baked potato. The potato was a really bad choice I know, but at least it was not french fries.

Tomorrow I start the gym. I am telling myself that even if I only spend 15 minutes on the treadmill to start, at least I am starting and that is a big step for me in it self. I have posted some pictures so you can have an idea of where I am starting at. I am pretty big. I never thought in a million years I would ever be over weight much less obese. I was sure that would be impossible for me. I used to be so skinny people swore I was anorexic. Not true, I just had a lot on my plate growing up and it was always very stressful for me. I will post a picture of me on here from high school. I was 18 at the time and weighed about 95 pounds. One extreme to the other. I guess I am an all or nothing type of person...

Taking the first step

I have done good today thus far. Tim and I went to Balley's and renewed our memberships, then we had lunch at Chili's. We did very well. We both had the classic steak fajitas. Tim drank water and I had iced tea, no sugar. Tea is actually my favorite beverage, so I feel I have an advantage there. I enjoy hot tea or iced tea just plain. No sugar or anything added. Later on we will go grocery shopping. I plan on buying a dozen of eggs which I will boil. I am going to make egg salad and tuna salad and also just hard boiled eggs. I read that eating two boiled or poached eggs a day is really good for you and aids in losing weight. Since I do not have any problems with my cholesterol I will go a head with this idea. This being New Years day the gym is closing at 6p.m. I think I will start a work out plan tomorrow. Tim and I think we have it all figured out. We will pack our gym bags the night before, and then go straight to the gym from him picking me up at work in the evenings. My doctor told me this is best. He says if you go home first you will never make it to the gym. I am also going to pick up healthy snacks at the grocery store like yogurt, cheese sticks, and fresh fruit/vegetables. Eat small amounts throughout the day rather than the three meals a day thing. I hear it is healthier to eat say six small meals a day. My doctor says I should eat every two to three hours to keep my blood sugar levels where they need to be. High protein and only complex carbs.
I remember when I worked at the bank and used the gym they had there for free. I had 45 minutes for lunch, and so the first fifteen minutes I would walk on the treadmill. I got down to like 209 just by doing that and eating right. I told myself once I hit the 199 mark or lower of course I am going to award myself with a day at the spa. I have not weighed myself in a while. I plan on doing that tomorrow at the gym. I imagine I am around 250 pounds!!! I feel just awful too. I never have any energy and I am always sleepy. I do not sleep well at night and I suffer from chronic back pain amongst other issues. I am tired of being tired and in pain and discomfort. I just cannot do this any longer.

This is the first day of the rest of my life...

This is the first day of the rest of my life. I am 35 years old and in the worst shape ever imagined. My goal is that by the time I am 40 to look like I did at 20 and to feel even better. With diet and exercise it is possible. I think keeping a daily blog on my progress and diet will help even more. I imagine I will think twice before eating that bag of chips, as I won't want to write in my blog that I ate a bag of chips. By documenting everything I eat/drink and amount of time I spend at the gym, as well as my weight monthly I am sure to succeed!