Sunday, June 20, 2010

Here I go...

Ok, so I went to the doc and am now on an 1800 calorie diet to start. She did not want me to go too low too fast. She does however want me to go to the gym like everyday! Yikes! She would like me to work my way up to one hour on the treadmill. I hate walking on a treadmill. So boring in my opinion. Maybe, swimming would be better for me since it is actually something I enjoy and also with my bad back it is low impact.
The diet has not been too terrible. I really have only fallowed it straight through now for well today! LOL
I got some Lean Cuisine's as I understand those are actually what they say they are and decent for you. I also got pre measured snacks and such like those 100 calorie packs, yogurt, pudding, cheese sticks, granola bars, 100 calorie bags of microwave popcorn. Sometimes I have got to have some butter and salt. At least this way I know when the little bag is gone I have had 100 calories and that is it. Wether I am supposed to or not I have not been couting fresh fruits. I figure they are all natural and nothing added so I am counting them as a free food. It's not as if I am eating a whole bag of apples a day or anything crazy anyway. I do count the calories in juice though. I only buy the 100% but still I count that, just not the actual fruit I eat. Next time I go shopping I am going to pick up all kinds of fresh veggies and well frozen ones too (nothing added of course) and that way I can eat as much of that as I want. I do the same with frozen fruit though I usually use that for smoothies. I would say all in all I am off to a good start. Of course once my calorie intake is lowered to say 1500 a day and so on I will have to continue to make more and more adjustments.
My weekdays at home have come to an end as I am now employed full time again. this is a blessing in more ways than one, still it was nice being able to get up whenever. Need the money way more than sleeping in all the time though. I will keep progress on here of the diet and all. Oh I almost forget I weighed in at 263 lbs.!!!! Holy cow, this is the most I have ever weighed my whole life. I am not sure how often you are to weigh in, but I am thinking once a month is good for me. Hopefully within a month I will have something to really be proud of.
Got my gym bag packed and will be heading straight to the gym tomorrow evening after work. I sure hope this week goes by a lot better than it has. i am not sure what my deal was this week but I tell you what it was like PMS on steroids! I have been so moody, irritable, cranky, mad, upset, frustrated, on edge, short tempered. One minute I want to cry and the next I want to rip someone's face off. It's like I am climbing the walls. UUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH! I was fighting with paper at work the other day and yes cussing it out too. Bad, really bad.
OK, will track more progress later.

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