Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm back...

Well, here I am. I am starting this again. I have chosen to delete quite a few post I had on here. I felt like I got off track a bit. The idea of this blog in the first place was for me to keep track of progress in my life. Focusing mostly on my physical health and a lifestyle change. I would like to drop a good hundred pounds. I feel like I was actually using this as a "bitch fest" if you will. I then went private with it because there was a lot of personal information with a lot of people's names included. I am not going to do that anymore. That obviously gets me no where. Besides I want to remain focused on the positive. The past is what it is and it cannot be changed, however I hold the keys to unlock the door to my future.
Recently I chose to quit a full time job I had. It's a very long story and I won't get into yet another "bitch fest". I am now working part time on weekends only for yet another retirement center and yes also as a receptionist. Other than losing out on I'd say about $800.00 a month, this has actually been a good change for me. I have gotten quite a bit accomplished here at home. I am getting out more and getting a lot more physical activity. Due to the shortage of funds eating out is not so much an option anymore. This too is also a good change. I am allot more conscious when I go to the grocery store. I read labels and I only buy brown rice, whole grain pasta, 100% whole wheat or multi grain bread, fresh fruit and veggies. I have a wonderful cookbook that I bought a while back and it has over 1400 recipes you can make in a slow cooker. this is excellent because in the summer our house gets so hot. No way do I want to turn on the oven. Also cooking in a slow cooker makes clean up a breeze. You pretty much use just that to mix up whatever you are making and then you cook in it as well. I am willing to bet that you use less electricity too! I am trying to stay away from soda. I refuse to eat/drink anything with artificial sweeteners in it. The sugar sodas are so bad. I stick with iced tea and if anything I add a lemon wedge to it. I am sure the caffeine is not a good choice, but I understand the chemical process that is used to take caffeine out of coffee and tea is even worse for you. Besides the caffeine in tea is way less than coffee. I have never been much of a coffee drinker. I am not able to drink coffee unless I put a mound of sugar and cream in it anyway. That is defeating the purpose of trying to lose weight.
So, I have been working on my house. Last week I spent a whole day cleaning out the garage. Today I spent the afternoon cleaning up the front yard and the side of our house. For me this is hard physical labor and a good workout. I have no idea how it gets so bad. I think that it was just let go for so long. It is more work than if I were just having to start from scratch. It is nice to be out in the sun and working. Actually felt good to break a sweat and feel a sense of accomplishment too! I probably have a good six huge garbage cans full of junk, trash, and tree limbs just from today's project. I only have two huge garbage cans on wheels. So, I put out what I can and see what the trash guys will take. I figure this stuff did not accumulate overnight and I will not be rid of it all overnight either. I can't say that I am looking forward to cleaning up the back yard, especially since we own three dogs as well. We have the hugest back yard it seems. Ours is like twice the size of some of our neighbors it seems. I swear we could build an underground pool back there and still have a whole yard left. Needless to say the amount of work that needs to be done back there just to clean it up is equal to size of the yard. Again, it has been let go for too long. I figure there is no time like the present. I am looking for another full time job and might even keep the part time one I have as well. So, now in between applying for jobs and going on interviews I can clean my house up. I have been focusing so much on the outer part that the inside of my house is not looking too great. I let laundry go for as long as I possibly could and now I am trying to catch that up as well. Seems endless. It's nice though to feel I have a reason to get up in the mornings. Since I am only working part time on the weekends it would be very easy to stay in bed all day through out the week and do nothing. That of course would get me no where and fast. I would probably fall into a deep depression if I did that. I am so lucky to be able to keep my mind, body, and spirit active. I hope I will always be as blessed as I am now. Other than being very over weight I am in pretty good health. I pray I take the pounds off before I become diabetic or something due to the weight. It does not help that Tim went and bought two for one ice cream at the grocery store this evening. I should know better by now then to send him shopping alone. It is hard to have self control when you have ice cream staring you in the face every time you open the freezer. He is not doing this to be mean and ugly but rather he feels I deserve a treat for working so hard. I appreciate the thought, but the idea of working so hard other than to clean the place up is to shed all this weight.
Well off I go to work on laundry. Tomorrow is a new day, with no mistkes in it. Yet ;-)

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